All the systems within the laboratory are maintained by Hugh Chou, Research Systems Engineer for the Departments of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences and Environmental Studies and a member of Arts & Sciences IT. You should contact Hugh via email at for general usage information or problems concerning any specific system. Hugh has an office in Scott Rudolph Hall 289 but currently is only on campus 3 or 4 days per week, working remotely from home the rest of the time:

Hugh’s Regular On-Campus Hours

  • While classes are in session: Mon through Thurs 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (remote on Fridays)
  • Summer and breaks: Mon, Tues & Thurs 8:45 am – 4:30 pm (remote Wed & Fri)

You can also schedule a specific time to meet with Hugh via Zoom or on campus by contacting him via email. If you call his on-campus phone number at 314-935-4012 it will e-mail him with any voice mail messages you leave. You can also contact him via Microsoft Teams.

Hugh Chou
Hugh Chou in Scott Rudolph Hall’s Ginsburg Atrium

You can also contact any of the specific faculty members funding particular systems:

TELLUS Cluster:  Doug Wiens, Michael Wysession or Slava Solomatov

Seismology Server Farm: Doug Wiens or Michael Wysession

Individual Lab Servers: Alex Bradley, Bradley Jolliff, Bronwen Konecky, William McKinnon, Roger Michaelides or Alian Wang.

For general on-site departmental technical support for Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences and Environmental Studies, if you cannot reach Hugh you can also contact the Arts & Sciences IT Help Desk at 314-935-8077.