Here are some selected recent articles and publications describing research work performed in our laboratory:

Along‐Strike Variations of Alaska Subduction Zone Structure and Hydration Determined From Amphibious Seismic Data, Zongshan Li, Doug Wiens, D. J. Shillington, 2024

Our facility was used remotely during the July 2023 POLENET Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA)Training School in Gävle, Sweden.

The seismic structure of the Antarctic upper mantle, Douglas Wiens, Weisen Shen and Andrew LLoyd

NSF Funded Lithosphere Study of Antarctica, Walid Ben Mansour, Douglas Wiens

Onset of convection in internally heated fluids with strongly temperature-dependent viscosity, Chhavi Jain, Slava Solomatov

Upper mantle viscosity structure and lithospheric thickness of Antarctica inferred from recent seismic models, Andrew Lloyd, Douglas Wiens, Weisen Shen, Andrew Nyblade, Richard Aster, Terry Wilson

Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure of the Alaska Subduction Zone from Ambient Noise Tomography, Zongshan Li, Douglas Wiens, Weisen Shen

Recent Ph. D. Dissertations utilizing our computational facilities

Next-Generation Compositional and Chronological Sample Analysis of Lunar Low-Ti Basalts and Volcanic Glasses, Christopher Yen, (successfully defended November 22, 2024) Link coming soon.

Seismic Structure of the Alaska and Mariana Subduction Zones From Amphibious Data, Zongshan Li, (successfully defended July 30, 2024)

Paleoclimate of the Peruvian Andean highlands during the late Holocene, Jarunetr Nadia Sae-Lim, (successfully defended Oct 2, 2023)

The Isotropic and Anisotropic Structure of Antarctica from Seismic Inversion,  Zhengyang Zhou, (successfully defended July 17, 2022)

Internal Structures and Spin Evolutions of Small Bodies in the Solar System and their Geophysical Implications: A Case Study on Ceres, Vesta, and Arrokoth, Xiaochen Mao, (successfully defended April 15, 2020)

Seismicity and Shallow Structure at the Mariana Subduction Zone, Melody Eimer, (successfully defended Jan 17, 2020)

Investigation and Classification of Planetary Materials and Surfaces using Novel Methods to Analyze Large Compositional Datasets: Quantitative X-ray Compositional Mapping and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Narrow Angle Camera Photometric Analysis, Timothy M. Hahn, Jr., (successfully defended Aug 9, 2019)

Seismic Tomography of Antarctica and the Southern Oceans: Regional and Continental Models from the Upper Mantle to the Transition Zone,  Andrew Lloyd, 2018

Seismic Structure near the Mariana Trench and Deep Earthquake Triggering in the Tonga Flat Slab, Chen Cai, 2018

Plate Tectonics Initiation on Earth-Like Planets: Insights From Numerical and Theoretical Analysis of Convection-Induced Lithospheric Failure, Teresa Wong, 2016

Seismic Array Studies of Antarctica and Madagascar, Martin Pratt, 2016

Seismic Studies of the Tonga Subduction Zone and the Lau Back-arc Basin, Songqiao Wei, 2016